A member of parliament from Frelimo, the ruling party, was brutally beaten on Saturday by the population in the village of Insaca, in the district of Mecanhelas, Niassa province. His vehicle also did not escape the fury of the population.
Paulo Pagama was physically assaulted when he fell into an ambush organized by Podemos members after clashes.
He had to receive medical treatment at a hospital in Mecanhelas.
The MP is one of the seven victims of the clash between members of his party, the police and the Podemos party. The parties' caravans crossed paths during marches.
In fact, during the marches, members of the Podemos party, who were carrying blunt objects, approached the headquarters of the Frelimo party where their supporters were awaiting the arrival of Judite Massengele, the frontrunner for the post of Provincial Governor.
However, tempers flared when the police started shooting, and six people were injured. Two had to be transported to Nampula province. There were no other victims from the Frelimo party.
In Mecanhelas, some people declared war on the PRM. (Source: TV Sucesso)
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