A citizen was shot by the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) last night, in the middle of a riot that broke out at Mubukwane Secondary School, in the Benfica neighborhood, on the outskirts of Maputo city.
After the polling stations closed, when it was around 8 p.m. and the votes were being counted, part of the neighborhood experienced an interruption in the electricity supply. At that time, the vote counts were taking place in the polling stations.
People living in the vicinity of the school became aware that in that interval, between five and ten minutes, a strange vehicle had appeared and was trying to unload material that was unrelated to the elections. There was suspicion of actions that would culminate in electoral fraud.
People then threw objects at the vehicle to prevent it from landing.
The police intervened to disperse the crowd, and although they reportedly fired shots into the air, one citizen was hit. The victim was taken to a health unit.
Interviewed by STVRenamo spokesman Marcial Macome said that the party had been informed of the situation by the people and had even received videos attesting to the event.
According to the spokesman, the police intervened to protect the car that was carrying unknown material, "and the car ran out of here".
"The population has seized some of this material, from tamper-evident bags to a number of things... An armored car was even parked at this school..."
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