Terrorism/Cape Delgado: Rwanda intensifies aerial bombardments and promises to liberate the region

Terrorismo/Cabo Delgado: Ruanda intensifica bombardeios aéreos e promete libertar a região

The commander of the military forces Rwanda, Alexis Kagamepromises to free the regions from CatupaMucojo and Kiterajoin the district of Macomiain Cabo Delgado province of the terrorist presence.

In fact, the military contingent is stepping up its air strikes in those areas occupied by terrorists. One of the most recent attacks took place on the south bank of the river Messalo.

"We've managed to scare some away, but others will certainly remain," he said.

According to Major General Forces The situation is under control in Rwanda. Mocímboa Praia, Palma and Ancuabe.

"I can say that the situation is normal. All areas of performance are under control. People are moving around freely. We are working hard to annihilate the terrorists," he said, quoted by Televisão de Moçambique.

However, he noticed that there were small groups acting in some villages. Even so, it is counting on the support of the population to pursue the terrorists. (Image: DR)

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