State of the Nation: Nyusi says he has worked to improve the lives of Mozambicans

Estado da Nação: Nyusi diz que trabalhou para melhorar a vida dos moçambicanos

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, believes that during his two terms in office he has worked to improve the lives of Mozambicans, fight poverty and consolidate national unity.

In his latest report on the General State of the Nation, which is being presented to Parliament, Filipe Nyusi pointed out the challenges of his governance, namely the natural disasters, which have caused loss of life, destruction, deaths and damage, as well as the tension in the Central Zone, which have conditioned the country's development throughout his ten years in office.

According to Nyusi, quoted by NewsOther challenges highlighted include the terrorism that has plagued Cabo Delgado province since 2017, the Covid-19 pandemic, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and Israel in Palestine.

Meanwhile, for the Mozambican statesman, the establishment of the hydrocarbons industry, peace and reconciliation, achievements and progress in infrastructure, among others, constitute gains for the country. Therefore, for Nyusi, despite the enormous challenges of his ten years in power, the country has managed to achieve great things.

"We have fulfilled the mission that the people entrusted to us," he emphasized.


(Photo DR)

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