Civil society proposes budget to combat premature marriage

Sociedade civil propõe criação de orçamento para o combate das uniões prematuras

Civil society is proposing the creation of a single, specific budget to combat early unions in the country.

According to the executive director of the Civil Society Forum for the Rights of the Child, Benilde Nhalivilo, who was speaking yesterday, Wednesday (24), in Maputo, at the Conference on the System for Guaranteeing the Rights of Children and Adolescents in Mozambique, "this can be a method for guaranteeing respect for the rights of children and adolescents".

Quoted by Radio MozambiqueOn the other hand, given the recurrent illegal practices involving children, the source calls for the creation of rehabilitation facilities for minors in conflict with the law, as a way of protecting them.

"Improving child protection laws and their enforcement can be a solution to preserve the interests of minors," Nhalivilo stressed.

On the same occasion, the president of the Mozambican Association of Women Judges, Sílvia Comissário, defended the creation of mechanisms to enforce the legislation that punishes violations of children's rights.


(Photo DR)

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