Three citizens died inside an alcoholic beverage fermentation tank

Três cidadãos morreram no interior de tanque de fermentação de bebidas alcoólicas

Three citizens lost their lives inside an alcoholic beverage fermentation tank in a "clandestine" factory in the Tembwe neighborhood, in the city of Chimoio, Manica province.

They were members of the same family, aged 25, 27 and 39, who died of asphyxiation while cleaning the 10,000-liter tank.

"They died of asphyxiation inside the tank due to the fumes from the fermentation process. The first went inside and collapsed. The second tried to save his brother and met the same fate. The same scenario ended up repeating itself with the third victim," said Samo José, a relative of one of the victims.

The "nipa" brandy production unit belongs to the Castelo Branco Group.

The victims' relatives gathered in front of the Castelo Branco Hotel on Thursday.

"We've tried to contact the company's management to find out about the situation and get financial support for the family to pay for the funeral expenses. We're not getting any results, so we're asking for justice to be done," said Fazbem Castigo, another family member.

The owners of the factory removed the bodies to the morgue without police authorization, he said.

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