This Monday (20), the Minister of Health, Armindo Tiago, showed his discomfort when asked about the lack of medicines in the pharmacies of the state's health units.
In the pharmacies of hospitals and health centers, most patients are given paracetamol for all the indications listed on their prescriptions.
Faced with a situation where sick citizens turn to private pharmacies to buy medicines, and at high prices, the Minister asks for evidence.
"Which hospital? What's the medicine? What's the medicine? Tell me which medicine is missing? Tell you what: you and I and the others [journalists] are going to the central hospital. We can go now. My car is here. Let's go to the central hospital. You have to report with evidence. I'm inviting us to go to the depot," invited the Minister, without disguising his discomfort at the approach.
At the Central de Medicamentos e Artigos Médicos (Medicines and Medical Articles Center) in Maputo city, it was possible to see that there was enough medicine in stock for the next 10 months.
Users suggest that an inspection be carried out to find out why there are no medicines in the pharmacies of hospitals and health centers.
"To check what's really going on, if there's any deviation," one user told Success TV.
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