Unknown assailants beat and murder border guard police officer in Manica

Desconhecidos espancam e assassinam agente da polícia de guarda fronteira em Manica

The body of a member of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique (PRM) was found lifeless on Saturday morning (09) in the Révuè river, in the administrative post of Messica, district of Manica, in the center of the country.

He was Aníbal Pereira Mendonça, 43, a border guard police officer assigned to the third regiment in Manica. According to the authorities, the body was floating in the river with signs of physical aggression.

"The body was found with its head wrapped in yellow plastic, half-naked," reveals a document from the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), quoted by the newspaper AIMHe stressed that the real causes of Aníbal Mendonça's death are unknown.

In the meantime, SERNIC says it is working to find out more about the crime that shocked the community of the Messica administrative post and the surrounding areas.

"After a thorough examination, it was found that the body had upper and lower limbs bound by two black threads and blue jeans cloths. There was a deep wound on the back of the neck, presumably caused by a bullet", the document states.

"The body was removed from the scene and deposited in the morgue of the Manica district hospital."

It should be noted that this is yet another crime committed against members of the police. A few days ago, criminals stole a motorcycle from the head of SERNIC in the Tambara district.

In fact, just this year, a group of miscreants assaulted some institutions of the administration of justice, namely the Chimoio city prosecutor's office and the Manica Provincial Anti-Corruption Office.

In addition, unknown individuals set fire to the home of a prosecutor in the district of Manica.

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