AT promises to dismantle ruby smuggling network in Cabo Delgado

AT promete desmantelar rede de contrabando de rubis em Cabo Delgado

The provincial Tax Authority in Cabo Delgado promises to dismantle networks smuggling rubies out of the country.

The institution's delegate revealed that the smuggling begins in the Montepuez district. There, the stone is sold illegally and then taken to Nampula province. It is from the borders of Nampula that the precious stone leaves the country, without complying with customs obligations.

Elmano Nhatitima, quoted by Radio MozambiqueHe said it was urgent to close the siege because the country loses a lot of money from ruby smuggling.

"This loss has been sold in Montepuez on the sidelines of the authorities. We have reliable information about the existence of networks operating here in Cabo Delgado and Nampula, from where they go out into the world to earn astronomical sums, thus damaging the Mozambican state," he said.

He assured that this year, the province's tax administration will fight against the illegal sale of precious stones.

But also, AT intends to collect more revenue from gemstone mining by expanding the tax portfolio.

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