A young man is being held to account by the police authorities at the 4th Police Station in the city of Quelimane, Zambezia province, for allegedly using police uniforms to extort citizens on the public highway.
The accused refuses the accusation and explains that the purpose of wearing police uniforms was to charm his girlfriend.
According to the newspaper Diário da ZambéziaThe accused said that he had never extorted anyone and that he had only worn the police uniform once.
"I only wore it because my friend told me to take a picture to send to my girlfriend," it reads.
Likewise, the friend of the young man who wanted to charm his girlfriend is facing the same charge of extorting citizens on the street.
He told the press that the mistake was that he was in the same place with his friend when he was wearing his uniform.
The Head of the Public Relations Department at the Provincial Command of the Republic of Mozambique Police in Zambézia, Miguel Caetano, has no doubt that the individuals used PRM "clothing" to extort citizens.
In addition to the false qualities, Caetano says that the accused also committed robberies in homes and commercial establishments. In fact, according to the source, the individuals even tried to bribe the agents to get away with the crime, to the tune of 7,000 meticais.
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