MIC carries out Annual Review of the Implementation of the National Food Fortification Program

MIC realiza Balanço Anual da Implementação do Programa Nacional de Fortificação de Alimentos

The National Food Fortification Committee - CONFAM, chaired by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), is holding its Annual Review meeting on the implementation of the Food Fortification Program in Mozambique on December 15 in Maputo.

The meeting aims to evaluate the progress of the actions carried out throughout 2023, share experiences from the industries, discuss strategies to strengthen the adequate fortification of mandatory foods in the country and present the priority areas for 2024.

The event will be witnessed by the cooperation partners, key players in the area of food fortification, and will be attended by public institutions and the industry sector, the main player in the fortification process.

Food fortification is a reliable proactive strategy to reduce the rate of chronic malnutrition. In Mozambique, it is mandatory for producers of maize and wheat flour, sugar, cooking oil and salt through Decree No. 9/2016 (Regulation on fortification of industrially processed foods with micronutrients).

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