Renamo members in Nacala-Porto, Nampula province, are demanding that the local elections be held in all polling stations in the municipality, as opposed to the Constitutional Council's (CC) order that they be held in some polling stations at the Murrupulane Complete Primary School. According to Renamo in Nacala, "this is the only way for there to be peace".
MZNews has learned from a source that former Renamo guerrillas have moved to Nacala-Porto in order to prevent compliance with the order issued by the CC.
But there was also a meeting over the weekend, which brought together more than 400 young people on Mahelene beach. The aim was to organize the strategy for action next Sunday (10), the day indicated by the Council of Ministers for the re-run of the elections.
Renamo operatives have already mapped out the points of action of the police forces and already know that the Rapid Intervention Unit is based behind the Air Base, he said.
The source says that the state is aware of what Renamo is preparing for the 10th, because the meeting on the deserted beach of Mahelene was attended by state agents.
"They went at night and came back at dawn or in the morning. They all came back satisfied," said the source, refusing to reveal other details of the meeting that he learned and shared with MZNews.
Renamo's political office in Nacala-Porto is closed, but the vehicles of the party's superiors in the region have escaped vandalization.
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