Renamo takes criminal action against Televisão de Moçambique

Renamo participa criminalmente a Televisão de Moçambique

The Renamo party, through its front-runner in Maputo city, Venâncio Mondlane, reported Televisão de Moçambique (TVM) to the Attorney General's Office (PGR) on Monday for having "maliciously" reported election results from several municipalities in the country "while the announcement and dissemination by the competent bodies was still pending".

TVM published results for several municipalities on October 12, following the October 11 elections in the country's 65 municipalities.

According to the document submitted to the PGR and verified by MZNews, TVM put forward results that were not verified and confirmed by the electoral bodies. Furthermore, says Renamo, the electoral bodies publicly denied that the data provided by TVM had been supplied by them and that they were unaware of its origin.

"This time, it is clear that TVM has broadcast biased information, causing real tension and social unrest," Renamo concludes and asks: "with what objective or purpose did TVM decide to act in this way?"

The party believes that TVM's action "was fundamentally aimed at demoralizing or targeting those who had voted for the party that TVM was reporting as the loser".

Renamo is demanding that the PGR investigate with the electoral bodies the origin of the data broadcast by TVM the day after the local elections.

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