One week into the election campaign: SNJ recorded no serious offenses involving journalists

Uma semana de campanha eleitoral: SNJ não registou ilícitos graves envolvendo jornalistas

The National Union of Journalists (SNJ) points out that during the week-long electoral campaign for the local elections on October 11 of this year, it did not register any cases of serious anomalies involving media professionals.

According to a note from Faruco Sadique's party, the work done by journalists during that period was beneficial, but it regrets the fact that some political parties didn't share the vote-hunting programs.

The lack of human and financial resources on the part of many media outlets in the country to ensure full coverage of the election campaign was one of the concerns raised by the union, which called on journalistic companies to make these resources available to the extent of their capacities to ensure that professionals carry out their activities with dignity.

Like MISA-MOÇAMBIQUE, the SNJ expressed its disgust at the participation of some journalists in supporting some political parties in the provinces of Zambézia, Manica, Niassa, Sofala and Maputo city.

"If, on the one hand, in some of these cases the professionals involved, in due time, requested the necessary dispensations from their journalistic activities in order to dedicate themselves to their partisan action, on the other hand, this did not happen, at least in the first days of the campaign, constituting a flagrant collision with the ethical and deontological principles of the exercise of journalism", he appealed for respect for the constitutional right of media professionals, as national citizens, to join certain political parties, while noting that they must request the necessary exemptions from their bodies for this purpose.

Article by Rodrigues Luís

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