BP sells MIAFS position to Petromoc

BP Moçambique intends to sell to Mozambican state oil company Petromoc the 50% share it holds in the MIAFS company created by both for fuel storage operations at Maputo international airport.

According to a notice published today by the Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC), the notification of the "concentration of companies" operation was submitted on July 24 and is subject to public evaluation over the next 15 days.

This is confirmation of BP's exit from the Mozambican fuel market, after having sold the retail business to TotalEnergies in 2021.

Earlier this year ARC announced that BP Mozambique had agreed to sell its aviation fuel business assets, including operations at seven airports, to Puma Energy Mozambique.

According to information released at the beginning of March by ARC, this deal would also involve a 50% stake in Maputo International Airport Fueling Services (MIAFS), a joint venture with Petróleos de Moçambique (Petromoc), for the design and construction of an aviation fuel depot, management of a fuel storage depot and aircraft fueling equipment, including a network of hydrants at Maputo International Airport.

Now, ARC reports that the deal to sell BP Moçambique's 50% stake in MIAFS will in fact be made to Petromoc, which will now "hold all the shares in the target company".

"In recent years, BP Moçambique has embarked on the sale of its assets in Mozambique. This is linked to the strategic decision to progressively exit the country's fuel supply market.

To materialize the strategy, during the years 2021 and 2022, BP Mozambique sent invitations to various entities to submit proposals to purchase the assets of the aviation fuel business in Mozambique and its stake in Maputo International Airport Fuelling Services (MIAFS), and Puma was then chosen as the best positioned to acquire the target business," ARC said in a note last April, not opposing the first deal. (Lusa)

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