WHO guarantees financial support for construction of Level I hospital in Boane

OMS garante apoio financeiro para construção de hospital de Nível I em Boane

The district of Boane, in Maputo province, could benefit from a Level I hospital, with 150 beds, in an area of 274,000 hectares, said the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO).

Tedros Ghebreyesus assured that the organization will mobilize financial resources and send technicians to assess the area and create the future infrastructure project.

"We will send experts to Maputo to work with the Mozambican counterpart to ensure the design of the infrastructure. We will provide the necessary financial support, because the population needs to enjoy the services and this can only happen by reducing the financial burden," he said during a visit to the Boane district on Friday (14).

On the occasion, he said that his visit to Mozambique follows an invitation from the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, during the General Health Assembly in Geneva.

He revealed that, at the time, Nyusi put forward plans to expand the country's health network, which already has around 40 units ready and 12 under construction in 144 districts.

Ghebreyesus stressed the importance of expanding and promoting health services in communities because that is where the results achieved in the sector are counted.

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