INCM wants to stop money theft schemes through Central de Risco

Mozambique's National Communications Institute (INCM) will install a Risk Center in the country by next December, an official source from the institution said.   

As RM writes with Central de Risco, the aim is to put an end to money theft schemes using cell phones.

The Director of Communications and Statistics at the INCM, Massingue Pala, was quoted by RM as saying that the action should also detect other technological means that bad faith individuals use to harm the customers of mobile phone companies.

The source, who was speaking this Thursday in the city of Tete, said that the government is concerned, which is why the INCM will also penalize mobile phone companies that are not complying with the decree that calls for the registration of telephone numbers.

"The issue of unregistered cell phone numbers is a problem for our operators. Here, it's the person who gave out the number who will be sanctioned," he said.

The seminar, organized by Mozambique's National Communications Institute, was attended by representatives of mobile phone companies, academics, businesspeople, students and other guests.

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