MOH faces difficulties in acquiring cholera vaccines

MISAU enfrenta dificuldade para adquirir vacinas contra cólera

The Ministry of Health (MISAU) is having difficulty acquiring cholera vaccines due to pressure on doses on the international market.

This is the fourth time the country has requested the drug, having been successful in the first three requests. Around three million doses were sent to Mozambique. The doses were used to control the outbreak of the disease in the provinces of Niassa, Zambézia, Tete and Gaza.

Currently, the country needs to control the disease in the provinces of Zambézia and Nampula, which were recently devastated by Cyclone Freddy.

Cholera has already killed 123 people in Mozambique and infected 26,941 people. To ensure the success of vaccination, the health sector has trained vaccinators and supervisors and involved community mobilizers in the process.

The MoH recommends taking hygiene measures, such as washing hands with soap and water and food with clean water (treated or boiled).

If you experience diarrhea and vomiting more than three times a day, the MoH recommends that you go to a nearby health center for diagnosis.

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