As part of its initiatives to support and promote gender inclusion, the Standard Bank Business Incubator, in partnership with the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), through the E4D program, is promoting the twenty-fourth edition of the iDeate entrepreneurship stimulus program, aimed solely at women, from February 13 to 17, 2023.
Through this program, the bank and its partners hope to encourage women to develop innovative businesses to solve challenges in their communities.
Therefore, in order to reach a greater number of female entrepreneurs and aspirants, as well as ensuring greater representation in terms of provinces, the program will be taught in a virtual format, with a workload of 3h30 per day, plus two optional hours of support.
During the training, participants will have the opportunity to strengthen their skills, as well as acquire essential tools and knowledge for structuring their business ideas and approaching the market in which they intend to implement the idea, in order to take it to implementation and growth levels.
Those interested in taking part in the program should register between January 16th and 29th via the link
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