Authorities predict long period without precipitation from January to March

Autoridades prevêem período longo sem precipitação de Janeiro a Março

The southern and central regions of the country will experience long periods without rain from January to March, despite the occurrence of "la niña", a phenomenon that influences the climate and leads to above-normal rainfall.

According to the National Institute of Meteorology (INAM), quoted by the newspaper Notícias, this update of the seasonal climate forecast was drawn up on the basis of initial conditions for the current month of December, under a "la niña" of weak magnitude and short duration.

Projections indicate a greater likelihood of la niña weakening by the end of the current rainy season.

INAM already forecasts and monitors drought at a national level, and therefore recommends monitoring it through the monthly climate bulletins.

Therefore, all users of this information are urged to follow the updates, bulletins, alerts and warnings to be issued, due to the risk of extreme events associated with the rainy season.

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