Russian ships off the coast of Portugal  

Navios russos na costa de Portugal  

There are two ships from the Black Sea crossing the Portuguese coast and whose destination remains unknown. The Portuguese authorities assure that the vessels are being watched by the Navy.

The monitoring of the two Steregushchiy II Class corvettes - "FFG-545 Stoykiy" and "FFG-531 Soobrazitelnyy" is part of a surveillance protocol observed whenever non-NATO ships cross the coast.

In the statement issued this Saturday by the General Staff of the Portuguese Armed Forces (EMGFA) it is explained that "[this is] a normal procedure of surveillance of maritime spaces under national sovereignty or jurisdiction, whenever warships from countries that do not belong to NATO sail in Portuguese waters.

On August 27, the EMGFA stated, also in a communiqué, that the Russian force was then "made up of three warships, coming from the Mediterranean Sea" and would be accompanied by armed forces resources while sailing "within the Portuguese Exclusive Economic Zone.

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