Researchers at Tongji University in Shanghai, China, have developed a mask that can diagnose several viruses, including the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease, in about 10 minutes, the scientific journal Matter reports, adding that it could soon be on the market.
Droplets expelled by talking, sneezing, or coughing by an infected individual can contaminate another, if distance is not maintained, and can remain in the air.
With this in mind, the scientists have placed a sensor on the inside of masks that identifies even small amounts of pathogens, especially in poorly ventilated spaces where the risk of infection is higher. Then people are notified, via cell phone, in just 10 minutes.
To test the effectiveness of the device, the researchers sprayed solutions containing SARS-CoV-2, H1N1 (common flu), and H5N1 (bird flu) virus proteins indoors near the common mask combined with the sensor.
With only 0.3 microliter of liquid with viral proteins, 70 to 560 times less than the volume produced by a sneeze, it was possible to detect the presence of the virus in the air.
Matter magazine also says that plans are on the table to create similar devices that can detect other diseases, including cardiovascular and oncological diseases. (Notícias ao Minuto)
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