Demonstrations. Images circulated show some blocked roads

Manifestações. Imagens postas a circular mostram algumas vias bloqueadas

Although in some neighborhoods the atmosphere is relatively calm, there are areas where demonstrations, riots, and even tire burning on public roads have been registered, according to images posted on social networks.  

In Matola, for example, in the passage of the white house there was a road block and tires were burned on public roads.

Cars coming from the direction of Matola, Maputo city were forced to return due to the blocking of the road. In some neighborhoods, such as Malhazine and Compone, in Maputo City there was some social unrest.

The police had to shoot to scare away the population that was enraged the cost of living level.

Meanwhile, in the city of Maputo, there is an atypical scenario. Some stores and businesses did not open their doors due to fear of the demonstrations.

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