Extra-marital sex during the World Cup in Qatar will be a crime punishable by up to 7 years in prison

Sexo extra-conjugal durante o mundial, no Qatar, será crime punível com até 7 anos de prisão

With five months to go before the World Cup kicks off in Qatar, the competition will have everything to be... not very spicy.

Any and all individuals (fans or otherwise) who make their way to Qatar with pretensions of attending the World Cup matches should "keep a cool head," as they risk serving seven years in prison should it be proven that they were sexually involved extra-maritally during the time of the event.

The information was recently passed on to the British police by the organizers of the event, in order to alert British fans who will be traveling to the Middle Eastern country.

The Qatar Supreme Committee has already made it known that "Qatar is a conservative country and public displays of affection are frowned upon, regardless of sexual orientation."

"Sex is off the menu, unless you come as husband and wife. There will definitely be no one-night stands at the World Cup, no parties. Everyone should keep a cool head unless they want to risk staying in jail," a police source told the English newspaper Daily Star, adding that "there is a ban on sex at the World Cup for the first time in history."

One of the controversies of this World Cup has to do with how the followers of the LGBTBIQ+ movement will be received, in a country where homosexuality is forbidden, but the organization has already guaranteed that there will be no problems.

The biggest soccer competition in the world will take place from November 21 to December 18, 2022, in Qatar.

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