Jeremias Langa runs for president of MISA-Mozambique

The journalist Jeremias Langa is the only candidate for president of MISA-Mozambique, for the 2022-2024 term, in elections to be held later this year, according to Notícias Online.

His list has Fátima Mimbire as first vice-president; Sitoe Lutxeque as second vice-president; Carlos Mtsinhe and Olívia Massango as voting members.

Journalist Rodrigues Luís may preside the Fiscal Council, having Franscisco Carmona as Secretary, and Jacinta Nhamitambo as rapporteur.

For the Board of the General Assembly, Langa counts on Ignácio Gamay as President; Alexandre Matsimbe as Rapporteur and Joaquina da Glória as a member.

One of the purposes of this candidacy is to "continue the efforts undertaken by predecessors, projecting MISA as a credible, well-governed, efficient, and effective organization in defense of human rights, participatory citizenship, and transparency and accountability in governance," reads the manifesto.

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