ANE moves forward with the replacement of the roads destroyed by the rain

The National Roads Administration is working for the rapid restoration of traffic flow on roads cut by rain in the provinces of Maputo, Gaza and Tete.

These are, according to the National Roads Administration (ANE), the roads R406 Catuane-Filipe, R413 Maragra-Calanga and Machubo, in Maputo, the R455 Chicualacula-Pafuri, N222 Mapai-Pafuri, Manjague-Punguine, Chate-Maloluane and Mabalane-Natimamba, in Gaza, and the EN300 Nhamayabue-Vila Nova da Fronteira, N322 Dzimira-Puite and the R602 Mágoè-Mucumbura.

The director of Central Maintenance Services, at the National Roads Administration (ANE), Nelson Tsandzana, indicated that a contractor has already been mobilized to make a detour adjacent to the cut in road R602, Mágoè-Mucumbura, in Tete, to allow the circulation of vehicles for the supply of products and medicines to the communities.

"For another, it will facilitate the passage of equipment to the other bank in order to repair the damage," he recounted. He said that the opening of the temporary detour may be completed by today, and then the contractor will replace the soil washed away by the rain and compact it to allow passability. "This work could take three days, which implies that in a week the road will be passable," Tsandzana told AIM, adding that the work will cost less than five million meticais.

Besides the Mágoè-Mucumbura, other roads are impassable, due to flooding in the basins of the Maputo, Incomati, Umbelúzi, Púngoè, Zambeze, Licungo, and Ligonha rivers, also caused by rains inside and outside the country.

Tsandzana pointed out that ANE plans to build a raised bridge over the Mazambanine drift in Boane, Maputo province, to prevent rising waters from making the circulation of people and goods impossible.

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