Gaza airport receives first domestic flight after opening

The Filipe Nyusi airport, located in the Chongoene district of Gaza, received the first domestic flight, after its inauguration by the President of the Republic, last November.

This is the first airline, which left, this Saturday, from Maputo to Xai-Xai vice versa, with twenty-four passengers on board.

Of these passengers, thirteen are national travelers, one foreigner coming from the Republic of South Africa that stopped in Maputo bound for Gaza.

The general director of Mozambique Airlines, João Carlos Po Jorge, says that this Saturday's flight marks the beginning of a schedule of domestic and international flights that will call Gaza, weekly.

The secretary of state in Gaza, Amosse Macamo, who attended this first landing, said that this is a sign that marks the turning point of the province, towards development, so much desired.

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