Displaced people complain of lack of food due to reduction of food aid

Reduced food aid leaves Cabo Delgado's displaced people starving in the Corane center, Meconta district, Nampula province.

According to them, the government, through the Institute for Natural Disaster Risk Management (INGD), has been distributing food, but it is no longer enough for everyone.

In a VOA report, some displaced people said there are families with more than 10 people who receive "only" 10 kilos of cornmeal, rice and two liters of oil, which is insufficient for sustenance for a month.

To VOA, Adelaide Firmino, says that in her house for example, live six adults and 10 children, three of them orphans of mother and father murdered by the insurgents.

"They're not even enough for two weeks," says Firmino, as does Renata Mpulanga, head of a nine-person household.

According to INGD in Nampula, the government and partners have regularly channeled food and non-food support to the IDPs in that center, but the products become insufficient as more IDPs arrive clandestinely.

However, the president of the Northern Integrated Development Agency (ADIN Armindo Ngunga), said recently, it is necessary to set a limit on the number of people and the time they can stay in Corane.

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