A U.S. defense department unit is testing a system that combines Artificial Intelligence, sensors and advanced computing that should be able to anticipate events that could jeopardize the country's security.
According to Exame Portugal Magazine, the Pentagon is developing a system that will allow militaries and governments to make the best decisions and with as much information as possible. To that end, it is just finishing testing GIDE (from Global Information Domain Experience), a solution that combines Artificial Intelligence (AI), cloud computing and sensors to create a predictive 'machine', i.e. one capable of predicting events that will only unfold within a few days.
One of the examples revealed by General Glen VanHerck is the analysis of satellite images. If these images show that a nation is preparing to launch a submarine, GIDE will be able, in a few seconds, to predict where it will be in a few days, generating security alerts. As things stand, this information could take hours or days to be processed and validated by military analysts, reports the Engadget.
In the most recent test, the system was used jointly by the 11 U.S. commands and the Department of Defense to evaluate scenarios such as the one involving the ship stranded in the Panama Canal. The military's solution was useful for "gluing all the pieces" of the analysis together. The Pentagon's goal is to make this solution publicly available soon, anticipating that it will be used in the next Globally Integrated Exercise in the spring of 2022.
The advanced system will make it possible to take predictive actions (before a certain event happens), rather than just reactive ones (after the event has happened), such as increasing defenses or launching a retaliation, in the military field, or condemning aggressive actions, in the political spectrum.